Tuesday, December 23, 2008

National Champions!

The Cougars won the National Championship game in Rome, GA 23 to 7 over Carroll College. This is the 2nd championship in the last 3 years. It was an awesome game to watch. It was a little soggy again this year, but was well worth sitting out in the rain. Jon and I are so proud of the team. Our quarterback and one of Jon's linebackers where the Offensive and Defensive Players of the Game. It makes the sacrifices all year worth it! It was a long trip home on Sunday morning, especially for the team. There was a mix-up with the travel agent and the coaches didn't get the message that their flight changed from 8:45 am to 8:45 pm. After leaving the hotel at 5 am, sitting in the Atlanta airport for 13 hours, and a 5 hour bus ride home from Minneapolis- they finally made it back to Sioux Falls.

My mom and sister were very gracious and kept the boys while Jon and I made the trip south. My dad, Clay, Cousin Scott, John's dad and brother Mark all made the trip down as well. After spending 4 days in 60+ degree weather, it was hard to come back! I'll try to get some pictures posted within the next few days.

We are now at my parents in Iowa, enjoying some quality time with family. We are looking forward to seeing so many people over the next few days.

We wish you all the best this Holiday Season. Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

1 comment:

The Hamann Family said...

CONGRATS!!!!!! How great!!! :) Way to go!! :) Sounds like a fun trip too! Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!! :)