Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Football Update

The Cougars won their game this past weekend, 34-31, against Morningside College. This also means that USF again was the Conference Champion. We finished the regular season ranked 2nd in the Nation. 1st round playoffs start this weekend. We are lucky to host the first round at home against St. Ambrose University. We should continue to play at home if we win.

I have officially finished my first class. I am very relieved! I actually have a couple of weeks off until I start up again so am looking forward to that as well.

We don't plan to travl anywhere over Thanksgiving this year, as we hope to still be playing. We will be in Iowa over Christmas and hope to make it to Minnesota and Missouri around the holidays as well.

Hope everyone is doing well! Jon, the boys and I look forward to seeing many of you in the upcoming months!


Friday, November 14, 2008

Halloween Pics

My parents, sister Melanie and niece Madelyn came to visit for Halloween. The boys were a lot of fun tick -or- treating this year. I think Trev had just as much fun handing out candy to kids that came to our house. I've attached a picture of the boy's in their batman costumes. (Trev wanted them to be Batman and Robin, but I couldn't find a Robin costume to fit Tyce.)

Tyce also got spoiled from Aunt Mel Mel. He loves to have her rub lotion on his feet. He makes me laugh! Trev just loves to be goofy for pictures. It's so hard to get one of them both smiling and looking at the camera!

Have a great weekend!
Jon, Amanda, Trevor and Tyce!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Life Update

Life is very busy for us in Sioux Falls. The boys are growing so fast and are always on the go. Trev turned 4 on Sept. 30th, although he acts like he is 16 sometimes. He loves Dinosaurs, Batman and playing outside. Tyce is growing so fast too. He is finally starting to grow up, not just out! I won't be able to call him Brutus for much longer I'm afraid. Haha He is talking like crazy, learning new words every day. He also loves to copy whatever his big brother is doing...Not always a good thing.

Jon is busy with football still. He is currently the Special Teams/Recruiting Coordinator and linebackers coach for the University of Sioux Falls. USF is ranked 2nd in the nation right now. The defense is #1 in the nation. Go Cougars! It's so nice to know his hard work pays off! We play for the conference championship this weekend, so lots of excitement and nervousness for us.

I'm also still working at USF as the Director of Admissions and Academic Advising. I have such awesome people that I work with! I also started USF's MBA program this fall. It has been a little challenging balancing it all, but has been a great experience so far. My last night of the first class is this Wednesday, so I'm excited for a little break. I forgot how hard and time consuming writing papers can be!

Speaking of papers, I'd better get to mine. Trying to utilize some lunch time for homework. I've attached some recent pictures of the boys.